
okay, here's a dirty little secret about us...
we've been watching that show about that guy who's a terrible liar & some women who want desperately to believe him, and ultimately, be loved by him (okay, I'll admit it, it was my idea to watch as I just love a good mind phukk, especially when it's happening to others, on camera). This little article reviews some of the better moments of the last episode such as Evan asking Zora ''Where did you buy your breasts?''


Deschutes' brewers were challenged to create a beer that would follow Jubelale in January 2003. What would the brewers craft for this newest seasonal? Cinder Cone Red is a medium-bodied amber ale, with a rich malt flavor and red color derived from four kinds of caramel malt with a hint of dark roasted barley. East Kent Goldings and Tettnang hops balance the toffee sweetness, creating a refreshing full hop flavor...
We'll have to try one soon! One of these weekends we should drive to Bend & take the tour too, I'd love to check out the panoramic view of the Cascades from the Mountain Room!